Finding out…
On the 10th May 2014, we discovered that I was pregnant with our first baby. It was one of those moments in life that you remember with absolute clarity. I have never felt so many emotions all at the same time. I don’t think I spoke for a good two minutes. I was filled with excruciating happiness, excitement, intense fear, hope, insecurity, worry and awe.
Now ladies, we have all imagined that precious moment when we reveal the news that we are tenderly 'with child' to our significant others. We imagine fireworks, an orchestra’s symphony swelling into a crescendo of violins and thunderous brass. We imagine them leaping to their feet, grinning like a love-struck teenager whilst sweeping us off our feet into an embrace to end all embraces. In our imaginations, they swing us round, taking care not to press too hard on our slightly swollen abdomens (slightly swollen despite finding out 2minutes ago...a little artistic licence if you will) whilst whispering gently “I love you so much, I can’t wait to become the world’s most wonderful father and take care of you and the beautiful little baby we have created”…
Let me warn you ladies, do not get your hopes up. This little imaginary scenario does not happen. The reality, for me anyway left a little to be desired. My darling husband, in true squaddie style, looked up from the sofa, grinned…and offered me a high-five whilst saying “Yay, our bits work”. True story.
Despite this slightly less than romantic response, we were both happy. Totally and wholeheartedly terrified, but happy. We decided to keep it to ourselves (only telling close family and friends) until after our first scan, to make sure everything was ok. Our first scan was on 10th July 2014. Let me know in the comments if you would like an account of my experience of our first scan…it wasn’t how I expected and to be honest, I was pretty disappointed. But nevertheless, Baby was fine, it was a huge relief and I was a very happy girl.
So, here was the first glimpse of our little pipsqueak…
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